Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Living Constructs in Pathfinder

One thing I miss about version 3.5 of The System That Shall Not Be Named is the idea of a living construct.  My own campaign setting is a fantasy steampunk world that includes a race of living constructs called Sapients that were originally built by humans and intended as slaves.  At the time, I borrowed the stats of another living construct race from a well-known 3.5 campaign setting, but I'm currently trying to rebuild the race from scratch to fit better into my own campaign.  I'd like to post them here for comments.  Note that at the moment they aren't necessarily balanced for use by PCs, and I wouldn't recommend allowing players to choose Sapient as their race without careful balance considerations.

Sapient Racial Traits
  • +2 to one ability score and -2 to another ability score, or +2 to two ability scores and -2 to two other ability scores: Sapients are often highly specialized for a particular function.
  • Favored class: A sapient may choose any one favored class.
  • Built-in weapon: Sapients may have one or two one-handed melee weapons built in.  These may be retracted when not in use.  Sapients are automatically familiar with their built-in weapons, even if they are not familiar with other weapons of the same type.
  • Metal: Sapients are made of metal, which gives them a natural armor bonus of 2.
  • Darkvision: Sapients can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
  • Fast: Sapients have a base speed of 40 feet.
  • Relentless: Sapients take no penalties from fatigue or exhaustion, and do not require sleep.  They are not affected by spells that cause magical sleep or fatigue (although unlike Elves, charm spells affect them normally).  Like other races that do not require sleep, Sapients must meditate to regain their spells.
  • Magical: Sapients require magic to live, the same way most races need air.  Sapients suffocate (per suffocation rules) in ares where magic doesn't work (such as anti-magic zones).  They experience no ill effects from lack of air.
  • Inorganic: Sapients do not eat, and cannot become sickened or nauseated.
  • Environmental Adaptations: A Sapient takes no damage from hot or cold environments.  Instead, they function at a reduced capacity, with a -4 penalty to Strength and Constitution and a -10 feet penalty to base speed.  A sapient may be built specifically to withstand hot or cold temperatures, in which case one set of penalties is eliminated and the other set is doubled.
  • Living Construct: Sapients are healed with repair spells instead of healing spells.  Sapients do not bleed any fluid, per se, but when reduced to less than zero hit points, they leak magical energy until stabilized.  This is, for all intents and purposes, the same as a bleed effect for other races, and so they are not immune to bleeding.  They may be stabilized with any repair damage spell.  Furthermore, Knowledge: Engineering replaces Heal for all healing skill checks made on a Sapient.
  • Electricity Resistance: Sapients ignore 10 points of electricity damage.  A Sapient hit with an electrical attack must make a fortitude save at a DC of 5 plus the damage done or be slowed for 1d4 rounds.
  • Corrosion Vulnerability: Sapients do not heal acid damage naturally, although it may be repaired with any repair skill or a Treat Deadly Wounds check with Knowledge: Engineering.
Note that Sapients have a speed bonus and certain immunities that might make them a bit stronger than other characters.  I'm not necessarily convinced that their additional weaknesses (to corrosion and anti-magic zones) make up for these benefits (although I don't think they would be enough to modify the CR of an NPC).  I'd be interested to hear what other people think about this.

Sapient Template 

Sapients are sometimes built in non-humanoid forms.  The Sapient template can be applied to any corporeal monster without class levels:
  • Supernatural abilities: The creature loses all Supernatural and Spell-like abilities.
  • Type: The base creature's type becomes Construct, and it loses any subtypes it had.  A sapient retains its constitution score and bonuses despite its type.
  • Intelligent: Sapients are sentient.  A sapient's intelligence score is 8 or the base creature's, whichever is higher.
  • Metal: Sapients are made of metal, which gives them a natural armor bonus of 2.  This bonus increases by 2 for ever size category beyond medium.
  • Darkvision: Sapients can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
  • Fast: Sapients have a base speed bonus of 10 feet over their base creature.
  • Relentless: Sapients take no penalties from fatigue or exhaustion, and do not require sleep.  They are not affected by spells that cause magical sleep or fatigue (although unlike Elves, charm spells affect them normally).  Like other races that do not require sleep, Sapients must meditate to regain their spells.
  • Magical: Sapients require magic to live, the same way most races need air.  Sapients suffocate (per suffocation rules) in ares where magic doesn't work (such as anti-magic zones).  They experience no ill effects from lack of air.
  • Inorganic: Sapients do not eat, and cannot become sickened or nauseated.
  • Environmental Adaptations: A Sapient takes no damage from hot or cold environments.  Instead, they function at a reduced capacity, with a -4 penalty to Strength and Constitution and a -10 feet penalty to base speed.  A sapient may be built specifically to withstand hot or cold temperatures, in which case one set of penalties is eliminated and the other set is doubled.
  • Living Construct: Sapients are healed with repair spells instead of healing spells.  Sapients do not bleed any fluid, per se, but when reduced to less than zero hit points, they leak magical energy until stabilized.  This is, for all intents and purposes, the same as a bleed effect for other races, and so they are not immune to bleeding.  They may be stabilized with any repair damage spell.  Furthermore, Knowledge: Engineering replaces Heal for all healing skill checks made on a Sapient.
  • Electricity Resistance: Sapients ignore 10 points of electricity damage.  A Sapient hit with an electrical attack must make a fortitude save at a DC of 5 plus the damage done or be slowed for 1d4 rounds.
  • Corrosion Vulnerability: Sapients do not heal acid damage naturally, although it may be repaired with any repair skill or a Treat Deadly Wounds check with Knowledge: Engineering.
This template has not been heavily playtested, but at the moment I would estimate its CR to be the half of the base creature's hit dice, rounded up.  I will update this as the template is tested in play.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

More Interesting Goblins

Goblins are annoying little bastards, to be sure, but the treatment they receive in the Pathfinder Bestiary is minimal.  If you need goblin stats for a quick adventure, most likely you'll be using the standard level 1 warrior goblin in the book, which makes for pretty bland goblin lairs.  This is okay for first level characters, but if your group is higher than that, you might want to make things a bit more interesting.  As such, I'm sharing with you a number of goblin stat blocks that I'm creating for my own game.

Goblin Grunt (CR 1/2)
XP 200
Goblin warrior 2
NE Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception -1
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+2 armor, +2 dex, +1 shield, +1 size)
hp 13 (2d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will -1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee short sword +2 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged short bow +4 (1d4/x3)
Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 6
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Improved Initiative
Skills Ride +10, Stealth +11, Swim +5; Racial Modifiers +4 Ride, +4 Stealth
Languages Goblin
Treasure NPC gear (leather armor, light wooden shield, short sword, short bow with 20 arrows, other treasure)

A Goblin Grunt is a goblin who's survived a fight or two.  While not particularly strong, he's a bit tougher and more seasoned than most of his compatriots.

Goblin Warrior (CR 1)
XP 400
Goblin warrior 3
NE Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception 0
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+3 armor, +2 dex, +1 shield, +1 size)
hp 19 (3d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
Melee long sword +4 (1d6/19-20), or long sword +3 (1d6+2/19-20) with Power Attack
Ranged long bow +6 (1d6/x3)
Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 6
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Improved Initiative, Power Attack
Skills Ride +10, Stealth +12, Swim +5; Racial Modifiers +4 Ride, +4 Stealth
Languages Goblin
Treasure NPC gear (studded leather armor, light wooden shield, long sword, long bow with 20 arrows, other treasure)

The Goblin Warrior has been around the block a few times.  He knows which when to fight and when to hang back, and he's managed to scrounge up slightly better equipment.  A goblin warrior is particularly dangerous because of how easy he is to underestimate; more than one adventurer has fallen under his blade after assuming he would be a push-over.

Feral Goblin (CR 1/2)
XP 200
Goblin barbarian 1
CE Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception -2
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +1 dex, +1 size)
hp 7 (1d12+1)
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -2
Speed 40 ft.
Melee greatclub +3 (1d8+2/19-20); or greatclub +2 (1d8+4/19-20) with Power Attack
Str 15, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 6, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 11
Feats Power Attack
Skills Intimidate +4, Ride +8, Stealth +4, Swim +4; Racial Modifiers +4 Ride, +4 Stealth
Languages Goblin
Treasure NPC gear (leather armor, greatclub, other treasure)
Special Abilities
Rage (Ex) A feral goblin can rage (per the barbarian class ability) for five rounds per day.  This increases his hit points to 9, and adds +2 to his attack and damage rolls.  His will save increases to +0, and his AC decreases to 12.  See the Barbarian class description for more details on this ability.

Feral Goblins lack even the rudimentary sense of self preservation that other goblins have, but make up for it with sheer insanity.  A feral goblin will fly into a rage at the first hint of a fight, and has a surprising capacity to dish out damage.  Feral goblins carry large, spiked clubs, and typically adorn themselves with furs, warpaint, scalps, teeth, and whatever other gruesome things they can get their hands on.

Savage Goblin (CR 1)
XP 400
Goblin barbarian 2
CE Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception -2
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +1 dex, +1 size)
hp 15 (2d12+2)
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will -2
Speed 40 ft.
Melee greatclub +4 (1d8+2/19-20); or greatclub +3 (1d8+4/19-20) with Power Attack
Str 15, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 6, Cha 10
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 12
Feats Power Attack
Skills Intimidate +5, Ride +5, Stealth +5, Swim +4; Racial Modifiers +4 Ride, +4 Stealth
Languages Goblin
Treasure NPC gear (leather armor, greatclub, other treasure)
Special Abilities
Rage (Ex) A feral goblin can rage (per the barbarian class ability) for five rounds per day.  This increases his hit points to 9, and adds +2 to his attack and damage rolls.  His will save increases to +0, and his AC decreases to 12.  See the Barbarian class description for more details on this ability.
Reckless Abandon (Ex) While raging, the barbarian can take a –1 penalty to AC to gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls. The AC penalty increases by –1 and the attack roll bonus increases by +1 at 4th level and every four levels thereafter.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) A savage goblin can to react to danger before his  senses would normally allow him to do so. he cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does he lose his Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. He still loses his Dextterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A savage goblin with this ability can still lose his Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against him.

Savage goblins are pretty much like feral goblins, except tougher and crazier.

Goblin Cutpurse (CR 1/2)
XP 200
Goblin rogue 1
CE Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception -2
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 dex, +1 dodge, +1 size)
hp 5 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will -2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee short sword +0 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged short bow +2 (1d4/x3)
Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 6, Cha 9
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 10
Feats Dodge
Skills Ride +10, Stealth +10, Swim +4, Acrobatics +6, Climb +4, Escape Artist +6, Bluff +4, Use Magic Device +2; Racial Modifiers +4 Ride, +4 Stealth
Languages Goblin
Treasure NPC gear (leather armor, short sword, short bow, other treasure)
Special Abilities
Sneak Attack A goblin cutpurse has Sneak Attack 1d6, per the Rogue class description.
Accuracy (Ex)
A goblin cutpurse halves all range increment penalties when making ranged attacks with a bow or crossbow (per the Sniper archetype).

A goblin cutpurse has no compunctions about stealing, even from his own kind.  In battle, he shuns direct confrontation and instead prefers to strike from the shadows, using his natural stealth to ambush opponents from behind with his bow.   In general, he would rather avoid combat altogether and instead pilfer the belongings of his unsuspecting victims.

Goblin Thief (CR 2)
XP 600
Goblin rogue 3
CE Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception -2
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 dex, +1 dodge, +1 size)
hp 16 (3d8+3)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will -1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee short sword +2 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged short bow +4 (1d4/x3); or 2 shortbow +2 (1d4/x3) with Rapid Shot; note: +1 on attack and damage from 30 ft. or less with Point Blank Shot
Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 6, Cha 9
Base Atk +2; CMB 1; CMD 12
Feats Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
Skills Ride +12, Stealth +12, Swim +6, Acrobatics +8, Climb +6, Escape Artist +8, Bluff +6, Use Magic Device +4; Racial Modifiers +4 Ride, +4 Stealth
Languages Goblin
Treasure NPC gear (leather armor, short sword, short bow, other treasure)
Special Abilities
Sneak Attack A goblin thief has Sneak Attack 2d6, per the Rogue class description.
Accuracy (Ex)
A goblin thief halves all range increment penalties when making ranged attacks with a bow or crossbow (per the Sniper archetype).

A goblin thief has honed his short bow skills and is better at hiding than most other goblins.  Though he's a force to be reckoned with in combat, he still prefers to avoid fighting entirely and steal from people unnoticed.

Goblin Medicine Woman (CR 2)
XP 600
Goblin witch 3
CE Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception -1
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+1 dex, +1 size)
hp 13 (3d6+3)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will+3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee quarterstaff -1 (1d4-2/20)
Statistics Str 6, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 9, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB 0; CMD 11
Feats Combat Casting, Brew Potion
Skills +7 Ride, +5 Stealth, +2 Heal, +6 Use Magic Device; Racial Modifiers +4 Ride, +4 Stealth
Languages Goblin
Treasure NPC gear (cure moderate wounds potion, quarterstaff, other treasure)
Special Abilities
Misfortune (Su) Per the Misfortune hex in the Witch class description (save DC 13).
Slumber (Su) Per the Slumber hex in the Witch cldiscussionass description (save DC 13).
Familiar (Ex) The goblin medicine woman's familiar is a toad, granting her +3 hit points.
Witch Spells (Su) A typical goblin medicine woman has prepared the following spells:
Cantrips: Daze, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
Level 1: Ill Omen, Cure Light Wounds, Ray of Enfeeblement
Level 2: Hold Person, Miserable Pity

The goblin medicine woman is viewed with suspicion by other goblins, but is tolerated because she serves as a healer.  She prefers to remain hidden when danger is afoot, assisting her fellow goblins by putting hexes on their opponents.  She is not above hexing her own kind when they cross her.

Some interesting notes on the Medicine Woman, from a discussion on Reddit: Redditors skuppy and Pleinair suggest giving the Medicine Woman the Cackle hex instead Slumber, and putting her in a large chamber where the cackle echoes to the point where it's difficult to pinpoint her position without a DC 20 to 25 perception check.  This would extend the Misfortune hex indefinitely (or at least until they find her).  Just remember when playing this NPC that she's more than smart enough to know that she can't stand up in direct combat with the PCs, so she'll probably give herself an escape route if she's discovered.